Props - Svelte Radix v2

Props #

- size = ctx.size || '24'
- role = ctx.role || 'img'
- color = ctx.color || 'currentColor'
- title
- desc
- ariaLabel = 'zoom in'
- class, id, name, role, and all other props from SVGAttributes

Types #

All icons are extended SVGAttributes from svelte/elements.

import type { SVGAttributes } from 'svelte/elements';
type TitleType = {
  id?: string;
  title?: string;

type DescType = {
  id?: string;
  desc?: string;

interface BaseProps extends SVGAttributes<SVGElement> {
  size?: string;
  role?: string;
  color?: string;

export interface CtxType extends BaseProps {}

export interface Props extends BaseProps {
  title?: TitleType;
  desc?: DescType;
  ariaLabel?: string;

Size #

To change the size of an icon, use the size prop and specify the desired size. For example:

<Accessibility size="40" />

You can add a custom size using Tailwind CSS by including the desired classes in the class prop. For example:

<Accessibility class="h-24 w-24" />

Colors #

Use the color props to change colors with HEX color code or HTML color names:

<Accessibility color="#ff0000" />
<Accessibility color="green" />

CSS framework #

You can apply CSS framework color and other attributes directly to the icon component or its parent tag using the class prop.

Tailwind CSS #

<Accessibility size="30" class="text-red-700 dark:text-green-300 inline m-1" />

<div class="text-red-700 dark:text-green-300 inline m-1">
  <Accessibility size="30" />

Bootstrap #

<Accessibility class="position-absolute top-0 px-1" />

Dark mode #

If you are using the dark mode on your website with Tailwind CSS, add your dark mode class to the class prop.

<Accessibility class="text-blue-700 dark:text-red-500" />

A11y #

All icons have aria-label. For example AddressBookSolid has aria-label="addressbook solid". Use ariaLabel prop to modify the aria-label value.

<Accessibility ariaLabel="address card outline" />

Use title, desc, and ariaLabel props to make your icons accessible.

  title={{ id: 'my-title', title: 'A green accessibility' }}
  desc={{ id: 'my-descrip', desc: 'The shape of a green accessibility icon' }}
  ariaLabel="green accessibility"
A green accessibilityThe shape of a green accessibility icon

Passing down other attributes #

You can pass other SVGAttributes.

  class="hover:cursor-pointer dark:text-white"
  onclick={() => alert('hello')}